If paid actualization transfers are anytime alien to WoW Classic from xingwang's blog

Blizzard has yet to animadversion on that affair or say if it intends to accompany paid actualization transfers to WOW Classic Gold. At the moment, it adeptness bind it to abstain overpopulating servers that already accept lots of players in them. 

Players who accept created characters in those low-population servers would apparently ambition to move to a added animate server as anon as they could to accept added top-tier players to collaborate with.

If paid actualization transfers are anytime alien to WoW Classic, Blast will achieve a huge accord out of it. Players can apprehend them to plan the aforementioned way they do in retail WoW. But for now, accrue arena area you are or try creating a new actualization from blemish on MMOBC accession server.

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