There are a few added upbeat from lolgafifa's blog

House of Edgar Allan Poe, "staged by acceptance in the university's agreeable amphitheater program, opens Friday, Nov. 15, in the Browning Center at Weber State University in Ogden. "It's a casting new agreeable that has never been staged before," Said Andrew Barratt Lewis, the show's administrator and an abettor assistant of agreeable theater. "It's had a brace of readings ... but we are the aboriginal to do it as a abounding assembly — this is the apple premiere of 'The House of Edgar Allan Poe.'"The book and music were created by New York-based music and amphitheater artisan Morgan Hollingsworth. Agreeable administrator is by Kenneth Plain. Lewis said the agreeable is about both POE Currency activity and his works. It takes abode just afore the afterlife of his wife, if he's absorption on his activity and a adolescence acquaintance comes to visit. The affected section is apparent in flashbacks to important moments of Poe's ".an an audience, we can't acquaint breadth actuality and fiction blend," he explained. "We can't acquaint if it's the accuracy or one of his And as the agreeable goes on, it becomes even added and added blurred." Lewis said the assembly is "very abundant in the appearance of Poe — a little awful and spooky," but that it aswell explores his common affair of barren adulation and the accident of love. A agreeable about Edgar Allan Poe may assume analytical to some, "I anticipate Morgan has done a abundant job of capturing in music some of the all-overs and anxious that Poe has in his works, as able-bodied as creating a Software that affectionate of mirrors Poe's own works," he said .Although Hollingsworth congenital into the agreeable some 60 altered works by Poe, Lewis said the artifice about follows Poe's 1839 abbreviate adventure "The Fall of the House of Usher." "It's that story's basal structure, but inserting Poe's own activity adventures into it, Lewis said. Regardless of your akin of Poe knowledge, Lewis says he thinks there's something for anybody in the musicial. "I like the creepier, scarier things — the things that about-face your angle on its head," Lewis said of Poe's writings. "But the a lot of Alluring affair is exploring the items in his activity that some may not apperceive about."Lewis says Poe went into a abysmal abasement afterwards his wife anesthetized away; indeed, he alone lived a brace of years afterwards that. Heed of the humans in his activity died of burning — including his wife, his parents and some of his acceptable friends. He was active in this gloom, and you can see it in His works."To that end, Lewis said the music in "The House of Edgar Allan Poe" is "definitely added somber." There are a few added upbeat scenes — like Poe's assurance and alliance — so it's not all downbeat. Still there "I anticipate it's accurately balanced, but it aswell matches that affectionate of acuteness and abstruseness and surprise" is a atramentous or acrimonious activity in the musical, as able-bodied as a acceptable allowance of angst. And cadaverous that you acquisition in Poe's work."

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