After purchasing FUT Coins religiously for so long from Limm's blog

I'm sure it fun watching all that money that is unearned filling the coffers. As much as I despise this kind of greed that is needless, it doesn't surprise me. It soaks if folks are ready to pay the fuck would not. There are individuals although I think an early grave is deserved by these greedy fucks? 

So who is the real problem? After purchasing FUT Coins religiously for so long as I can recall. This will be the very first one that I provide a miss. I'm sick of every match mode being ignored by them if you don't start spending significant money on 39, besides UT, which, though it's fun in the start when teams are beatable, becomes unplayable.

The challenge is that people are paying for this bullshit. Quit treating your product like a yearly game and possibly you will have some worthwhile content and much better reception.The entire Ultimate Team thing has been a huge detriment to the Buy FIFA Coins games for a long time, since they barely support the other game mods such as Career mode etc.. Each of their time and upgrades go into UT. Considering I imagine it's pissed off much more people than we will ever understand.

That 1 franchise makes them more money than any other of their matches. And the mtx/lootboxes make them if not $1b annually. Wanna hurt EA? Do not buy FIFA. Boycotting games such as BF or Star Wars or anything isn't gonna do shit. Problem is, very good luck convincing the entire world to not purchase the greatest soccer (soccer ) game. 

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