The flat aswell affairs to advance the accustomed publishing cycle from xingwang's blog

The flat aswell affairs to advance the accustomed publishing cycle, which will cover four PoE additions every year. Tencent is one of the bigger companies and one of the bigger publishers in the world. (...) Over the accomplished 5 years, assembly of POE Items abounding buyers admission contacted us, but we admission consistently had the activity that they do not admission Aisle of Exile, or that they had added affairs (such as accepting added users for their services). Tencent's calendar is clear: 

They ambition to accord us the agency to accomplish Aisle of Banishment as acceptable as we can - we apprehend in an official announcement. According to the admonition presented on the studio's website, Cutting Accessory Amateur will advance its independence. 

No changes in authoritative positions or any added are to be accustomed - all GGG advisers will abide in their places. Although developers will admission to abode cyberbanking after-effects to publishers, this should admission basal appulse on the company's aesthetics and operation.

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