There are three altered adversity tiers of Elders from xingwang's blog

Once you get into chicken maps (tier 6 and above), you’ll eventually appointment the Elder. Afterwards this, both Age-old and Shaper admission will arise on the maps, and the two will alpha angry for advantage of the Atlas. If you run an Elder-controlled map, the Shaper will move in and yield it over. If you bright a Shaper controlled map that’s next to POE Items one controlled by the Elder, the Elder’s admission will yield it over.

Once abundant maps are controlled by the Elder, he and his guardians will arise on the Atlas. If this happens, the maps get a beheld overhaul, and you can activity the four Age-old Guardians, as able-bodied as the Age-old himself, if you run them. 

There are three altered adversity tiers of Elders: white, yellow, and red, just like the maps. I’ve been acid the Album aback the new amplification was released, and I’ve abandoned faced the white and chicken Elders so far–it was a austere challenge, so I’m assured the red Age-old to be abundantly difficult 

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