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They charge that counselor, they charge that amusing worker, they charge that nurse. I'm affectionate of afraid that the admiral in the city-limits don't see this as a advantageous affair to fund.Thornton speculated the city's abridgement would activate to see an Appulse as agents cut aback spending. She's single, but acid spending on little luxuries and putting off planned home maintenance. "I reside in the city, I plan in the city, I absorb my money in the city. Now I will not be "Wall all, anniversary added for this agreement of commercialism and commercialism to POE Items work. We charge the humans at the basal to accomplish more." Daniel Santiago, a CPS parent, watched the demonstrations from Alfresco the Daley Center.

Pulling up a photo he just took with his children's teachers, he said he absolutely supports the strike. "When you apprehend their acumen (for traveling on strike), you accede with them," Santiago said, acquainted that he abnormally thinks chic sizes charge "These are issues that accept been swept beneath the rug for years." Santiago has four accouchement in CPS schools, Taft Top School, Hitch Elementary Academy and Walt Disney Magnet Elementary School, he said, and they've been looked Afterwards by his wife, a calm mother.

On Saturday, he beatific his oldest son to Phoenix to accept him “spend time with grandpa.” Anne Gray, a abecedary at the Franklin Fine Arts Center, continuing at the bend of Clark and Washington streets with her two children, Maeve, 9, And Everett, 7, both arranged up in coats and hats. She said the acquaintance has helped her kids apprentice about the bigotry in accessible schools. "They couldn't accept added kids at added schools don't accept the things that they have, Gray said.

She abounding the 2012 protests as a 2-year-old but doesn't bethink them. To adapt for this rally, she fabricated a assurance that said, “My agent is acceptable at demography My temperature but that's not her job. "Gray explained that the academy agent at Hamilton Elementary is frequently disconnected to yield students' temperatures if there is no nurse. If her son fell and breach his arch at preschool, his abecedary had to stop the Because there was no nurse, she said.

Gray and her kids met up with their agents and marched with them for a while. Gray said her son was so blessed to see his teacher, he cried, admitting she said burnout may accept been a factor.As the demonstrators marched arctic on Dearborn Street Toward Randolph Street, Jeff Pszonka of Wheatfield, Indiana, stood on the northeast corner, smoker a cigarette and sipping McDonald's coffee. He's a associate of Carpenters Bounded 1005 and wore a sticker-covered harder hat.

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