Pelts enemies with arrows from afar in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

It's trivial to get a new ip address, requires mere minutes, but getting a new phone number is much more work, and capital intensive. This places a huge barrier which only gets more successful over the years (as more and more phone numbers are Maple M Mesos) against bot accounts. But it does not hamper legitimate gamers in all (because, frankly, in case you have a computer that can run MS you've got access to a telephone of any kind).

I understand that there are a number of disadvantages, but I don't think they are big enough to justify not implementing this method. The biggest drawback I can see is a bot/meso farmer uses your phone number and gets it banned before you attempt to produce your account. In that case, there might be a rather intensive way to clear a phone number (it might have to be intensive to be an effective ban).

Either that or you are out of chance, but the probability of that happening anyway are slim to none to start with. Additionally, nexonNA could automatically ban phone numbers from all countries outside the serviced nations, thus making it harder for chinese meso farmers to operate (they'd require a massive source of American/canadian phone numbers and corresponding telephones available to buy Maplestory M Mesos make more bots).

Ok, I know I have written about Hayato several times in the past, but I really, really believe he's rather underpowered. His 1v1 skill, Shinsoku, seems rather underwhelming, even with Hypers believed and even a good piece of funds. Specifically, he's got no bind, silence/seal, or the like to counter things such as Damage Reflect and Cancel Physical Damage. This endangers him at worst, hinders him greatly at least for many major bosses (Empress, Tough Magnus, to name 2).

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