Path of Exile September accretion is declared Blight from lolgavip's blog

Path of Exile’s September accretion is declared Blight, and it adds a new belfry defence-style accepting to POE Currency the free-to-play crammer ‘n slasher. The acclimate aswell makes some changes to several classes and incorporates two old leagues into Path of Exile’s accumulated game.

Your acclimation in Adversity is to admonition Sister Cassia stop the beat of the Blight, a plant-like beastly that controls monsters’ minds. If they’re possessed, the monsters become tougher, but they mindlessly coursing tendrils created by Fungal Growths. To stop them, you accusation to assay arresting structures that adeptness the creatures’ specific weaknesses, calmly appliance both amplitude and assets to survive.

Each time you auspiciously abstain a tendril, which is bigger a lane, you’ll get acces to a chest abounding of rewards. Sister Cassia can aswell use oils abandoned during action to attraction items as you play.

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