The reviews themselves abide arresting in that breadth of the Beef listing from xingwang's blog

Epic's accretion of Rocket Alliance flat Psyonix beforehand this anniversary resulted in a anticipated reaction: A analysis bombing attack that hit the bold with added than 2,700 abrogating reviews on Rocket League Crates Beef aback May 1. Yet in animosity of that effort, the user analysis rating, including contempo reviews, charcoal "very positive."

That's because of the arrangement Valve implemented in March that excludes "off-topic analysis activity" from analysis account calculations—effectively an anti-review-bomb shield. An asterisk on the Rocket Alliance analysis blueprint leads to a bulletin advertence that "this time ambit has been apparent as absolute an aberrant set of reviews that we accept are abundantly different to the likelihood that you would adore the product."

The reviews themselves abide arresting in that breadth of the Beef listing, so you can still see entries like, for instance, the one from the amateur with about 1,900 hours of breach who spends assorted paragraphs anecdotic how abundant the bold is afore giving it a abrogating analysis because, "You awash your honor."

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