World of Warcraft Classic will finally release worldwide In less than six weeks from DickPetty's blog

In less than six weeks, the World of Warcraft Classic will finally be released worldwide, and there are many sensations in the air. Add the fact that last Friday was recognized as the official end of the closed beta. Now the players who want to improve their vanilla WoW experience only have to wait until August 27 when the game server is finally open to all.

While the closed beta is over, there is still some testing still to be done, because the World of Warcraft Classic has not had the final round of global network stress tests. However, this has been moved from date to date for some time now. In the latest community update, community manager Kaivax told the players that the last round of stress testing had been delayed once more, this time to an unknown date. If you don't wanna waste time finding WOW Classic Gold, provides Cheap Vanilla WoW Gold for you. With a coupon code “5MMO”, you can enjoy 3% off.

Either way, at the moment we don't know when the last WoW Classic test will be, but we know the game will still be aired on August 27th, so they have a little more than a month to find out. Otherwise, August 27 will be a Stress Test by default.

To fill out a collection of participants in our beta testing and stress, we will choose dedicated players who meet the selection criteria of the WoW Classic beta and the standard beta-entry beta of Warcraft. Participants must also have an active subscription or active game time on their account. Although choosing to join beta is the main way to ensure you are running to join the test, it does not guarantee an invitation for closed beta testing. We can also consider additional factors such as how long players have subscribed to the game so we have the right mix of players to ensure good feedback to make WoW Classic the best experience for the community.

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By DickPetty
Added Aug 5 '19



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