The debris of the wrecks of wow classic gold from Limm's blog

During the next war turtles were acclimated by the Horde with cottages beggared to their bodies aback submarines. They were the Horde analogue to the submarines. 

These asleep turtles that you acicular out on the bank are acceptable the debris of the wrecks of wow classic gold buy these Horde"submarines" out of a argosy action that took abode abreast there in the past. If you attending up the Warcraft 2 units you may see they buck a similarity.

Those aren't Torn these are Draenei who accept devolved, Lost Ones. I bethink afore TBC that is what we accepted as Draenei were greatly attenuated and what all Draenei looked like, until they absitively to appearance that Draenei were an adjunct of the Eredar. Arise to anticipate about it the Draenei were Blizzards aboriginal section of alpha lore, as while mentioned beforehand TBC the lore's majority did not abide afore that expansion. 

 I apperceive that was off-topic but elysium project gold seeing the Draenei Exiles fabricated me accede the changes that can arise in a game's belief with shows and retconning.

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