runescape accounts for sale got so bad that some players from FuguiJin's blog

runescape accounts for sale got so bad that some players started to seriously believe a meme the upgraded armor was by a different artist, which the artist who left the prototypes had left Jagex. But then something amazing occurred. Even as memes blotted out the sun, slowly but certainly serious suggestions started to shine through. It began with primitive Photoshop jobs, but soon appropriate examples and fan art began to crop up. Players rallied around the idea of a bulkier, blessed armor set motivated by the Runescape god Saradomin, so they moved back into West's prototype layouts and made some adjustments.

And then, a hero emerged: legend_arts, 2007 rs accounts and well-known Runescape fan artist. Inspired from the memes and inspired by elements of West's designs along with other players' suggestions, legend_arts made a hybrid armor layout so great it not only silenced the memes, it captured the attention of West himself.

"What the memes brought"

"When I pitched it to the neighborhood over Twitch, I had been expecting a bit of a response," West says. "Because when you are showing best-in-slot items, you've either got no answer --which is what you're planning for really because so they are happy--or else you get a very loud response that, as we have seen on Reddit, is exactly what occurred. Obviously, what I did not anticipate was to get a different artist to pop up in. However, when Legend_Arts published his theory where he made it bright and shiny, it made like 10,000 upvotes on Reddit, which is why I subsequently went on the livestream to let them watch me build it."

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By FuguiJin
Added Jun 19 '19



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