One suggestion is buy MLB 19 Stubs could consider some more exciting cards from FuguiJin's blog

I really like! One suggestion is buy MLB 19 Stubs could consider some more exciting cards, like the late 90's, early 2000's boomers this creation of kids/adults all understands and loves.Jason Kendall? No danger, but nobody is excited about that. Willie Mayes! Very exciting. Examples are posted on other content creator channels. Greg Maddux, randy Johnson , Derek Jeter, Jim Thome, Mariano Rivera, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, Pudge Rodriguez David Ortiz. I'm very optimistic about The Show 19, and are excited for future statements.

When you have to work on MLB The Show 19 Stubs every year, what do you wish to concentrate on? Pictures or gameplay? To me it appears that, even though the images do not appear 4k extra smooth, at least the gameplay is more immersive and better compared to other sports video games out there. This is coming from somebody who never played an MLB video game earlier. Try playing 2k19 and tell me that game was worth your cash?

I am only hoping that Jimmie Foxx and Ivan Rodriguez are working for exhibition. For players to be included by them for diamond 12, it sorta stinks. Stan Musial & duke Snider were exclusives, but maybe not with the most important legend groups. Hoping that these players will be contained, but have the impression they won't. Only a few individuals have the time and attempt to install for those challenges just to play those greats. Why not have even all time legends teams for each franchise or classic teams and be like 2k? That would be great.

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By FuguiJin
Added May 30 '19



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