Am I willing to play ESB Gold from FuguiJin's blog

Am I willing to play ESB Gold? Short response, No. Long answer, I dislike The Elder Scrolls Blades and with how they handled The Elder Scrolls I have lost most of my hope and faith in them, You all understand the things they did. If they want to get their consumers back then I believe that they will need to really push their following big games to make them as good as possible. If Starfield&Elder Scrolls VI turn out great then they may have the ability to get perhaps 60%-80% of the players back give or take, Maybe not with us expecting them but together with us still playing their games... (Maybe begin with actually ironing out the bugs and not make the moders do it.) ?

While I know there are lots of ppl ready to bash ESO Blades Boosting, I'm hopeful. I already Pre Ordered The Elder Scrolls Blades and look forward to enjoying it once released. Loot boxes-- IMO these things will be used by Whales so as to dominate in the PVP aspect of The Elder Scrolls Blades. While that sucks, it would not draw me away in the Single Player story mode facet. I've invested YEARS to Bethesda games and that I personally don't have a problem with a slow mill provided that it's free and enjoyable. Like with most of the The Elder Scrolls Blades, be clever in how you play and accept The Elder Scrolls Blades for exactly what it is, instead of pointing out what it isn't. It's not a console game, we know that in advance.

It's just sad what the gambling industry has become. I know we repeat that over and over and it will not change anything. These individuals throwing their money at microtransactions if they could use that money for something else or buying other games. I could literally believe about a million other things I'd rather do with this money. I'd even be OK with when they raised the cost of games from 60 to 80 or even $100 as long as this satisfies these greedy companies and they maintain their shitty microtransactions from our matches and do not get lazy. For games such as cyberpunk, I would pay $200 fuckin bucks for it or more because I KNOW I will have a blast. Let us just pray CDPR doesn't fall to greed in the long run either.

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By FuguiJin
Added Apr 20 '19



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