As anon as Rocket League became a accident hit from xingwang's blog

As anon as Rocket League became a accident hit, we all knew this day was coming. It just fabricated too abundant accursed sense. Rocket League and Hot Auto are giving up the pretense and just accepting the actuality that they are about affiliated to ceremony added with a cast new set of DLC cars based on the accepted toys Rocket League Items.

“Launching on February 21, the amend will affection two DLC cars, the Twin Mill III and Cartilage Shaker, both best-sellers of the Hot Auto toy lineup. Ceremony DLC car will be awash abandoned for USD $1.99 (or bounded equivalent) and arise with six Decals and an absolute set of Wheels. The amend will aswell add FREE Hot Auto agreeable for all players including a “Hot Wheels” Antenna and Topper, “Treasure Hunt” Flag, and “Shark Bite?” Topper.”

Rocket League, now that I anticipate about it, is ambrosial abundant the best video adventurous adjustment for Hot Wheels. I mean, how abounding kids yield their cars and just accept them aerial through the air? Sure, they adeptness accept never anticipation to add a soccer brawl to the mix, but the few who did in fact had an amazing time.

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