Which includes logging aback in again from lolgafifa's blog

This week, The Division 2 got its aboriginal agreeable bead that added the Tidal Basin bastion and World Bank 5. In accession to rolling out new content, some bugs and issues were aswell squashed or tweaked rocket league trading. However, while exterminating some bugs in the looter-shooter, it appears Massive Entertainment aswell added some as well. In accession to the new affair area specialist ammo isn't bottomward as abundant as it should be, players accept apparent a bug with weapon accident in the bold that wasn't there before, or at least, not acicular out.

Reddit user Yoyuyi999 afresh took to the The Division 2's sub-Reddit page absolute that there's a new bug that lowers weapon accident -- beyond the lath -- if accouterment new items. The Reddit user afresh provides an archetype of the bug -- which you can analysis out beneath -- application their capital AR buidt, which is declared to accept 19,995 weapon accident and 8,792 weapon accident with normalization on.

If the amateur changes to accession loadout and checks their stats again, their weapon accident goes down to 17,212 and 7,548 with normalization, which is a appealing ample bump, and as they point, can accomplish a big aberration in both PvE and PvP.

Thankfully, the Reddit user has aswell apparent a acting fix while Ubisoft abstracts out what's traveling on, which includes logging aback in again, and authoritative abiding you accept the body you wish to use afore logging out However, already you accouter new items, your stats will be impacted.

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