Need me to remain Ret in wow classic gold from Limm's blog

When the revamp strike, there was no motive behind the guild to need me to remain Ret in wow classic gold spite of the fact that it had been a much more fun spec to perform . Consequently, even though I was among the inner circle, I utilized all of the above tactics (except starting my own guild) to remain helpful to this guild.

I probably averaged 100 gold/week on respecs alone, spent my months as Holy, and was absolutely certain that I was never without proper fans no matter what role I had been playing. Even then, the only reason they were completely ok with it was because I'd spent a complete year in the worst Paladin spec, healing anyway, just to ease guild progression.

Why do I bring this up? Because there are always"hybrid" course players on the outside looking in who don't know the cheap wow classic gold level of time commitment and comparative sacrifice it took to be one of"those" guys. A couple even joined the guild back and eventually had to have"a conversation" with guild leaders explaining why I"must be the Ret player". One had to become removed for a bad attitude.

It's very unlikely that you're gonna waltz to a guild that gladly throws Avenger's equipment along with an Eye of Sulfuras in you. They'll want to know that you are still going to put at the opportunity to work and unbegrudgingly willing to alter for their demands.

And the only way for them to know that is if that's what you always display for a good, long time until it occurs.

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