Division 2 Boosting is Gone is the original from FuguiJin's blog

Past underwhelming, Division 2 Boosting is Gone is the original game's crude hopelessness and unforgiving atmosphere. Those cold NYC together with broker searching DZ 9 for one, in a blinding snowstorm. Can we find out what Rick Valasi is really up to? Can I get to elongate Keeners neck, hanging him with piano wire, while skiping rope? This trailer makes me long for the days when game programmers just rehashed their first game setting, this new atmosphere is so blah blah blah. Definitely waiting for participant reviews of this one before any money sinks into it.

The Division 2 Boosting really special about this particular trailer: Important city today a wasteland, Different factions struggle for control, Story appears straight forward and predictable, images has not changed in the slightest and most of this trailer just shows cinematic gameplay instead of cutscenes that the very first game has been extremely lacking when they wanted to tell a narrative.

The story had potential with the rouge hunters and agents but was wasted. The assignments were almost the same: You struggle NPCs, research the region, battle a boss and wind back exactly where you started. The personalities that talk do not have a character, bad acting, and they bark orders at you while you just stand there without saying a word.

The Multiplayer is becoming worse when they introduced the gear-sets and has gotten fairly annoying, and they put so much effort into it that the NPCs don't matter anymore. Rather than supporting the story that was outbalanced by 19, the DLCs were wasted towards multiplayer modes. After viewing the"15 mins of this New Dark Zone Gameplay" the combat was worse compared to the Division's.

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By FuguiJin
Added Apr 2 '19



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