Looking for Maplestory 2 Batting Tips from Sletrry's blog

Nexon, actual players botting in KSH is now a more critical issue than Maplestory 2 Items ever has been. You need to have nipped this ages and really pushed patrols to be certain cheating from actual players stopped. A lot of the players which are still getting away with it are well over 220+.

During events each and every drill hall map is inhabited with these pieces of trash along with a large portion of additional popular maps are also occupied. Even when it is not an event drill hall is pretty much full of afk macroing trash.

I feel like this dilemma ought to be a lot easier to deal with today that you've got less servers to cope with because mergers. 1 check through drill hall will allow you to catch 10+ macroers. It only takes 30 seconds to a minute to determine whether or not someone is macroing and let me tell you at this time. Their macros are obvious as hell.

But at same time, before people hit the cap, class balance seemed ok but now with the time, or before now, folks produce their class choices according to many criterias. Mainly number of hits per second, the difficulty to restrain them, benefits which other courses do not have, etc.. But a big part of this community decides to choose numbers of strikes per seconds or courses being at very top of DPS chart (NW as example, NL is also great but much less ) and much more.

There are many people saying this current damage system and this unlimit electricity from financing create unbalance and it is unfair. I say unbalance here however it is not totally true. It looks more like game broken mainly because of this potential system that may give you so much electricity once hitting cap harm, certain classes would be the best at cap amount.

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