They should accept Anathema and Shock abatement on them from lolgafifa's blog

Second, get a Nebuloch with adventitious to Fortify on Melee hit. This allows you to calmly accumulate Fortify up, which will accommodate a huge arresting boost.Lastly, get Tombfists with either Anathema Enemies with Basal Weakness on hit, or Anathema enemies with Enfeeble on hit POE Items. I anticipate Basal Weakness is better. Aback you charge three links you won’t be accepting one with two abysmal sockets, acceptation it will be expensive, but not prohibitively.Also alter your Wildfire with a Wildfire that has “Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you” for a baby superior of activity bonus.

This bulge has actually every individual accident mod possible, and I was able to complete it in a individual go at akin 97. This physique is crazy-strong defensively Path of Exile Items. There is, however, one affair you should change for abysmal delves: abolish your Silver and Quicksilver flasks and alter them with a Topaz and Sapphire flask. They should accept Anathema and Shock abatement on them. If you can accomplish all three of your resistances equal, that will advice as well. These things accumulated will addition your basal resistances significantly, and abolish the crisis that shock presents.

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