MapleStory M: What the Max Level Cap Can Be from Sletrry's blog

Eight months later, after having accrued around 300bil worthiness of mesos without selling a single buy MaplestoryM Mesos  from leech (this amount includes various methods of payment converted into maplestory m mesos with all the standard rates in the economy), I have finally accomplished my goal. I am now a 212 Night Lord in Renegades that will solo Hard Magnus the first three legged Abyss directors, and Hell Gollux.

But, instead of discovering this'end game' status rewarding, I simply find no difference whatsoever between where I am now, and even where I was a few months ago, when I was barely scratching through Hard Gollux.

During the first 3 days following my solo, I have got a'grand total' of 150mil from Chaos Root Abyss drops. My typical income that is converted was 3bil per day, to maplestory m mesos for sale   this in perspective, in March. This 150mil (a pathetic 5% of that) is not indicative of a minimal supply of items that I might have (I attract fall mules in to all of my runs, and have a limitless source of them ).

Instead, it's simply because of the simple fact that these end game falls are so common that their market looks like that of'best competition,' where the'willingness to accept' for sellers is basically zero since these items have no value whatsoever to them.

I obtained just zero Superior Engraved Gollux Pendants, and have soloed Hell Gollux 15 occasions. Instead, according to empirical data, the drop rate of this pendant is approximately 2-3%, which is completely understandable due to the propensity of pay-to-win players to take themselves repeatedly in these boss runs. This percentage yields an output of 15-20mil per day.

More product of games at Mmogdp!If you want to buy,welcome to!

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