Fortnite active summer is advancing to a close from lolgagame's blog

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I'm a freelance biographer whose plan has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, The New Republic, IGN, Wired and more. I awning amusing games, video games, technology and that accomplished gray breadth that happens if technology and consumers collide.

Fortnite's active summer is advancing to a close, acceptation that a new Action Pass division is on the horizon. The action royale bold is accepting into the anniversary spirit through a Halloween-themed amend that's arranged with air-conditioned new stuff.

Called "Darkness Rises," Fortnite division six will accept 100 unlockable levels for its Action Pass, which will allotment out a array of chilling items for users, like an awesome-looking werewolf skin.

In agreement of new weaponry, players can now acquisition "Shadow Stones," a accessible that will cede you clumsy to use weapons — but you'll aswell become invisible, so continued as you're stationary. Shadow Stones aswell accord the amateur the adeptness to appearance through objects, abundant like a apparition — you won't ache abatement damage, and you'll move faster. The Impulse Grenade, Suppressed Submachine Gun, Light Machine Gun, Bouncer, and Remote Explosives, meanwhile, accept all been vaulted.

Some weapons accept been tweaked as well: the Grappler will now yield drive into application if you hit a affective object, while the double-barrel shotgun has been nerfed.

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By lolgagame
Added Jan 22 '19



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