One has to feel for this poor player from lolgagame's blog

One has to feel for this poor player. He accept to accept spent endless hours earning those bill and architecture up runescape mobile gold this stash. And then, it was all taken abroad by a acquisitive employee. This could aswell serve as a admonishing to developers. They may wish to burrow added into their employees' backgrounds afore giving them abstinent privileges.

RuneScape was one hell of a bold aback in the day. Not alone does it authority the Guinness Apple Record as the a lot of accepted massively multiplayer online role-playing bold of all time, but its amplitude is about exceptional of, from its massive bold map to the quests and abilities that arbor up bags of hours of gameplay. 

Unfortunately, the bold was abandoned in time afterwards a bender of updates that, to most, broke the game. This included the abatement of Wilderness PVP, restrictions on trading amid players, and, years later, a complete adapt to the action arrangement that fabricated the bold added like a knockoff Apple of Warcraft than the browser MMO we grew up with.

This dead off a lot of of the game's loyal amateur base, but luckily, the aggregation at Jagex gave us a awakening in 2013 with the absolution of Old School RuneScape, a complete advancement of the game's admired circa-2007 servers. 

Anytime since, the about double-decade-old MMO has acicular in popularity, awfully overtaking the amateur abject for the aboriginal bold with about 100,000 circumstantial users every day. It's now one of the a lot of accepted amateur on Twitch, acknowledgment to new hardcore bold modes and esports-sized tournaments! 

They've ensured it's what the admirers want, too, acknowledgment to a polling arrangement that doesn't artlessly amend the bold but aswell asks players their opinions afore abacus any new agreeable updates or balancing. One of these acclamation has led us to a adaptable adaptation of the bold on both iOS and Android, including cross-platform play with PC users, and boy oh boy, does it anytime plan smoothly!

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By lolgagame
Added Jan 21 '19



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