Even though this chapter had concluded from lolgagame's blog

When I finally was able to log back in a few years later, they were nowhere to be found. Even still today, I am certain their names sit on my friends’ list, never logging back in to see the several messages I attempted to runescape mobile gold send them. 

Even though this chapter had concluded and I wouldn’t get internet at home again until my senior year, my time with RuneScape was just beginning.

Despite not having internet for several years at home, I quickly discovered in middle and high school that I could bypass the school’s security (a story for another time) and access RuneScape. This led to me completing my work as fast as possible, so I could escape to the school library for a bit of gaming.

In fact, RuneScape was the first "mobile" game for me; mobile as in short bursts of gameplay. I was only able to sneak in 10-minute chunks of gameplay once or twice a day at school, but it was worth it. This led to me scheduling and planning ahead what I wanted to do. One day, I might grind a few levels and the next, I would sell items to other players.

Quickly, I discovered this feature that many players would come to loathe today called "pay-to-win." RuneScape notoriously had a membership subscription that granted a ton of benefits that were pretty unfair. 

Not only did members get their own exclusive servers, but they had access to many extra useful skills, armor, and ways to make money that gave them too much advantage over free players like myself.

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By lolgagame
Added Jan 18 '19



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