Don't neglect life and mana regeneration from rsgoldfastcom JK's blog

Each part of loot you get requires up varying amounts of space in your bag. To take as many possible things at once, you have to buy poe currency move items around and squeeze things into the allotted spaces. Even after that, your luggage is likely to fill up quickly in the event that you pick up each and every item you encounter.

The trick, then, is to ignore items that your character can't utilize or are of reduced price. Item rarity is indicated by colors: White: Norma,Blue: Magic,Yellow: Rare, Orange: Unique.

You can pretty much discount white things unless you're about to head back to town and have the room to spare for them. Rarer things are often worth picking up and selling, even in the event that you need to Enjoy the best treatment hold onto them for a while. And of course, any product that looks better than your current equipment is well worth catching -- even if you need to drop something else temporarily while you equip it.

By default, figures don't regenerate life but they do regenerate a tiny quantity of mana every second. You can manually synchronize life and mana by using the proper kind of flask. Flask charges automatically refill when seeing a city or hideout. They also profit charges from killing enemies. Equipping better flasks increases the quantity of daily life or mana recovered, and may have other effects as well.

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By rsgoldfastcom JK
Added Jan 3 '19



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