Looking for Maplestory 2 Batting Tips from Sletrry's blog

Some might say that relying on one maplestory ability is idle. As long as spamming one ability on class A doesn't get you some better rewards than varying skills on course B (in terms of Maplestory 2 Items or whatever else), why don't you let idle people be idle?

Ultimately, there's the issue of keyweighting. If you can spam one maplestory skill all day, a rock could do it for you. However, for this, there are several other options, such as forcing movement after some number of strikes. The sport already has that, it just must make sure all skills are restricted this way. There is no need to force people into playstyles they do not like, just to prevent cheating.

Bottom line: Trying to force the identical alternating-skill playstyle on all courses is bound to alienate a large part of the game's players. I believe it's a mistake.MapleStory2 Expand the Buddylist to over 100+

Since my server has merged with another, I think our buddylist should be expanded to more than 100slots that are +. I like to make new friends particularly when it makes the game much more enjoyable to play with and less lonely but after the world merge, it is difficult to make any new friends because my friend list has already maxed out to 100/100.

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