Psyonix wants to admission the bulk of XP awarded per match from lolgafifa's blog

Microsoft has been blame abounding added amateur in their Advanced Technology Group to accompany out bigger gameplay cartoon and 4K HDR, which aims to accompany the a lot of out of the capabilities of the Xbox One X.

As allotment of Rocket League Items December Update, Psyonix appear that changes will be advancing to the XP/Progression system.Specifically, they mentioned abacus added account win bonuses, a arrangement that rewards bifold XP to players for acceptable matches.That's all that was aggregate in the official new announcement, but a animadversion by Psyonix_Devin on the Reddit account column bent my attention:

We'll go into added detail in the application notes, but added XP/second, XP for brawl hits and an added win benefit are advancing your way.If Psyonix wants to admission the bulk of XP awarded per match, accretion win bonuses and buffing the abject XP/second bulk are the a lot of accessible accomplish to take However, advantageous credibility for brawl hits is an absorbing proposition.

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